Side by Side: Nihonmachi Scenes Exhibit

Seattle, WA


This exhibition features the work of Kamekichi Tokita (1897-1948), Kenjiro Nomura (1896-1956), and Takuichi Fujii (1891-1964) from the 1930s during the height of their artistic recognition.


The three men settled in Seattle’s Nihonmachi—or Japantown—and ran small businesses; Nomura and Tokita were sign painters, and Fujii, a fish merchant. They also became dedicated artists, applauded by the mainstream as well as by the Japanese American community.


The exhibit design, Side by Side: Nihonmachi Scenes, places many of the scenes of Nihonmachi adjacent to historic photographs and artifacts of the period.

Exhibit Design
Side by Side: Nihonmachi Scenes
1,200 sq ft

  • Client :The Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience
  • Curator:Barbara Johns

The paintings provide an intimate view of Nihonmachi—its streets and alleys, storefronts, and houses in varying perspectives as they walked the neighborhood they knew well. At times they painted side by side, and together they visited favorite painting sites farther afield.


The design of the exhibit allows comparison of the artists’ work when similar perspectives are explored highlighting differences in approach and technique. “Floating” pedestals are used to promote open circulation around the flat art and objects.


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