Arrival Courtyard, Miniature Golf Course, and Short Game Course
9,400 sq ft
The position of the site provides an opportunity to promote greater connections with the West Seattle Triangle, an urban gateway for this particular Seattle neighborhood.
A prominent site at the edge of the West Seattle Golf Course is the setting for a new pavilion with flexible event spaces and a miniature golf and short game courses.
The position of the site provides an opportunity to promote greater connections with the West Seattle Triangle, an urban gateway for this particular Seattle neighborhood.
The long, narrow site lends itself to a linear shape to structure the site beginning with an arrival courtyard that connects to a series of terraces, gathering spaces, and golf facilities. The Events Pavilion is one of the spaces within the sequence.
The Events Pavilion is designed as a flexible volume composed of steel frames that can open out to terraces with views toward Downtown Seattle.
Structural frames and trellis elements are used to make the boundaries of the enclosure more open within the surrounding landscape. These pieces extend over outdoor terraces to create viewing areas.