Novelty Hill | Januik Winery Garden and Terraces

Woodinville, WA


In response to NHJ’s need to add capacity and unique experiences for member and visitors, HWAI took cues from the building’s original design concept to create an array of new outdoor gathering areas.


The lower garden features a covered patio off the Cellar room, the relocated bocci court and a tree-filled plaza. A tented garden deck surrounded by raised planting beds for flowers and herbs sits adjacent to a free-standing firepit with a sculptural steel backdrop.

New Construction | T.I.
Garden, Terraces, and Cellar Room T.I.
25,000 sq ft

  • Landscape Designer:The Artful Garden
  • Photography:Donald Januik

The central terrace includes a covered lounge space for music and games, while a secondary outdoor fireplace offers intimate seating.


The upper terrace was transformed into a ‘secret garden’ for Wine Club Member events.


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