Pratt Spray Park and Restroom | Alki Beach Restroom

Seattle, WA


Serving the Central District in Seattle for over 40 years, Pratt Park has long been a focus for the community.


The renovation of the Spray Park focused on new water play features and a recirculating system to improve water conservation.

Pratt Spray Park and Restroom
540 sq ft

  • Client:Seattle Parks and Recreation
  • Landscape Architect:Site Workshop

We designed a restroom based on our earlier prototype design and a mechanical building for the spray equipment. The buildings feature colors from the artwork in the park as well as a wall mural by a local artist selected by the community.


The sandy beach on the shore of West Seattle draws joggers, rollerbladers, sunbathers, bicyclists, and strollers.


The restroom is located to serve 7 beach volleyball courts for tournaments and clinics for all ages and skill levels every weekend from April through September.

Alki Restroom
260 sq ft

  • Client:Seattle Parks and Recreation
  • Artist:Dozfy

Three single occupant all-gender toilet rooms are provided to meet the demand. The steel roof structure is lifted above the masonry walls and high ventilation screens provide daylight and security. The building features wall murals by a local artist depicting sea life found right offshore in Puget Sound.


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